“Raptor on the Moon Riding a KTM Dirt Bike” by Severin Sorensen on 4/26/23 using MidJourney AI.
Prompt: A prehistorical raptor on the moon riding a KTM dirt bike motorcycle driving fast from larger predators; scene is dark, dangerous, cinematic, photo-realistic, 4k
I was in Edmonton, AB, Canada this past month and met with some wonderful CEOs and business leaders at the headquarters of Raptor Mining. I spoke to them about the economy and at one point the conversation turned to AI. After demonstrating the power and capabilities of conversational AI, I turned to visual AI and I demonstrated MidJourney AI.
I asked for a volunteer to suggest prompts for an Improv art experience with AI. Out come the responses. A Raptor. Riding a dirt bike. On the moon. I asked what kind of dirt bike, the response ‘a KTM.’ I added some context and create the prompt: A prehistorical raptor on the moon riding a KTM dirt bike motorcycle driving fast from larger predators; the scene is dark, dangerous, cinematic, photo-realistic, 4k
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