“A Magical Bus for Stinky, Pinky, Winky, and Blinky” by Severin Sorensen, 4/23/23, using MidJourney AI.
Prompt: In the style of dr seuss, a bus driver with luggage on top and a bus full of new children’s characters stinky, pinky, winky, and blinky, for a children’s storybook.
This illustration is creative and demonstrates how one can use a ‘style’ such as a genre, type, or method to create a seed for an image. In this instance, I prompted AI to use a Dr. Seuss-styled illustration. You could recreate this image using any number of different styles or even create your own style.
“A Magical Bus for Stinky, Pinky, Winky, and Blinky” by Severin Sorensen, 4/23/23, copyright © 2023 by Severin Sorensen.
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