Image: “Misty Morning Moose,” by Severin Sorensen, using MidJourney, 5/13/23.
Prompt: Jackson wy overlooking fields in view of the Grand Tetons. time of day is sunrise, rays of sun showing through the mist. a large moose drinks water in a pond directly in front of you. A grizzly bear is seated down in a patch of delicious berries. All the world is at peace. Tranquility. Another day breaks. cinematic. photo – realistic. in the style of Ansel Adams. 4k.
I love the Jackson, Wyoming area and the beauty that surrounds that city and its meadows, forests, streams, lakes, and wetlands that provide support for abundant animal life such as bears, elk, moose, and many more animals. Inspired by this theme, and wanting to showcase more about what visual AI and Midjourney can do I created prompts, and redirected the application through several upscales and variations until I arrived at this image.

When you look at the images, you have an opportunity to look more closely at the animals, foliage, and scene. Some of the landscape is better in images U2, U3, however the animal shapes were disproportionate, and unrealistic, and moved away from those, choosing instead images from L1.
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