Category: Humanoid

Imagine the Artistry of Amelia Chatterley

Image: “The AI Whisperer Draws: The Fusion of AI and Imagery Unbound” by Severin Sorensen using MidJourney on 5/05/23. Prompt: “Design an abstract book cover that represents the…

The AI Whisperer Draws: a fusion of human creativity and artificial intelligence”

Image: “The AI Whisper Draws: a fusion of human creativity and artificial intelligence” by Severin Sorensen using MidJourney, May 5, 2023. Prompt: “Design an abstract book cover that…

The AI Backoffice with Amelia Chatterley

Prompt: Artificial intelligence humanoid cyber robot futuristic digital technology female typing on a PC This is the cover image from the #1 Best Selling Book, “The AI Whisperer:…